When it is said that Alentejo’s cuisine revolves around bread, olive oil and herbs, it seems simple.
But the knowledge behind it is ancestral. The recipes were passed from generation to generation, and with them the secrets of the "hand" which raises the exuberance of flavors to its maximum power.
Trying these pleasures can be such a perfect experience that justifies, by itself, several trips to the region. One is not enough. If you want to taste the fullness you have to do as the Alentejo: eat and drink with the seasons. The traditional cuisine is based on pork and lamb, olive oil, bread and herbs of fields and streams that make rich and imaginative popular cuisine, and gives life to the bread soup, to the lamb stewed, to the small shark soup and to hunting dishes.
Beside this, the monastic tradition, and their desserts based on eggs, almonds and gila – “pão de rala”, “encharcadas”, “barrigas de freire”.